Monday, January 01, 2007

New Year Resolutions

Well there seems nothing less cheesy than to start my Blog on the New Year with some resolutions(NYR). I am not a particular big fan of NYR's i general although goal setting is a good thing even if you never achieve them.

1) I want to try to write more. I have come to believe that writing produces better thinking. So I am going to begin journaling during my daily quiet times. I will post some of those here but most will be between me and God.

2) I want to read more. I like reading but for some reason do not do enough of it. So I am going to try and read 2 books a month one fiction and one non fiction. I will post the titles on my Blog. In January I am reading "Son of a Witch" the sequal to "Wicked" It is a continuition of the Wizard of OZ story from the perspective of the orpaned child of the Wicked Witch of the West. My non fiction book is Searching For an Adequate God: A dialogue between Process and Free Will Theists. I intend to publish brief reviews of each book as I finish them.

3) No NYR list would be complete without the "I want loose weight" resolution. For the past 5 years I have significntly increase my excerise routine. I now have 5-6 hours a week of cardio exerise. However, I still LOVE to eat so my real reolution is to eat healther in 07.

1 comment:

Jeff said... -- very cool. I recommend borrowing "blink" from me. Very good book. Read "The Tipping Point", too.