Thursday, December 28, 2006


As many of you know I rejected Television several years ago. We currently do not have a TV in our home. Although we do own one that we keep at the ranch and occasionally bring home to watch a movie 3-4 times a year. I have come to realize that Television has become a huge problem in our society. People avoid socialization to get home to their "favorite show" and what does our entertainment say about our faith. Does it draw us closer to God? My goal for this next year is to read more, write more and do more. My challenge for you is to attempt going 2 months without a TV in your home. I mean zero television. If you are recoiling at the idea and saying to yourself "I don't watch that much TV" Try it. If it is not that important that two months will be no big deal. If it is a big deal then why not start the New Year on a path to a more vibrant life.

I recommend two months because it takes one month to get over the withdrawl pains and another to find something to do with all that time and energy. Seriously Try it what is two months? What are your giving up? Not to mention think of what you could do with that $50 a month cable bill.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

3rd time is the charm

Ok I know three posts in a day is a bit excessive but this is news that just cannot wait. The great one Dr. Wallace Roark has entered the blogosphere. Please check out the link in my link section below. If you know who Dr. Roark is then you are already excited and probably not reading this sentence. For those of you who do not. Sit back engage your mind and be prepared to be educated. And if anyone knows how to fix my template to move the infor back up to the top let me know. I did something wrong and the code is all gibberish to me.


So I realize there is no such thing as the perfect church but why do I seem to be drawn to the highly dysfunctional ones? I have always had issues with the KJV only fundenmentalism our church is established on, but I simply felt it was where God wanted me to serve. Recently however our leadership has begun heavily pushing numbers. Publishing the weekly attendence and tithe broken down by SS class. I was not happy with this but kept my mouth shut, now we have also begun getting numerical goals for each class. So finally I expressed my concern and in true Pharsiee fashion was told that numbers represent souls so if I did not care about numbers I did not care about souls. Shorthly after this conversation I was called to the Pastors office and informed that my teaching in the Adult II SS class was no longer needed. Then to top it off I was informed that my wife needed to dress nicer at church. So needless to say we have begun looking for a new church. I want someplace that believes and teaches consistently with scripture but that still loves people. Whay is that balance so hard to find. It seems that the churches that love people reject the Word and the churches that love the Word reject people.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

The intellectual inconsistency of Liberalism

Ok I never intended this to become a political blog but alas on this great election day I must make another political post.

Ok here are two news articles

In this on NY city is proposing a ban on Trans fat in all restraunts. A bad thing, well maybe not considering the public health cost of trans fat. At the same time they have begun a mandatory disclosure on the menu board of all restraunts declaring the trans fat and nutritional content of the food. Again, a bad thing probably not, however...

Yes that's right the same people who think we should know what is in our food do not think we have the right to know that our daughter is about allow someone to murder our grandchild. How does that make any sense?

Ok second point I have a good friend who is as pure blood democrat as they come, nationalized health care, a living wage amendment, same sex marriage, pro choice etc.... He teaches Criminal justice for HSU and was complaining the other day about students that just did not try. I asked him if he was going to fail any students this semester and he responded certainly. So I asked him why does he feel they need to fail. Answer? Because they did not do the work. Ok so in his class room it is ok for a student to fail but in life if someone does not work we should reward them with free health care, food, housing etc because its hard to escape from the trap of poverty, racism etc...

I would have less loathing for the DNC if their philosophers were just consistent. Ok enough ranting for one day.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Apology, conspiracy theory and Life

First an apology to my now well traveled Chicago loving friend from SA now living in the arm pit of Texas. I promised him a post to support my allegation against his beloved democratic party. However after much searching cannot find a news article to support my allegations. Although I clearly remember it occuring while I was in College, with no support I must retract my allegations. Although Senator hopeful Webb in Virginia recently showed that my point is not far from the truth.

I can not imagine that any intelligent person would accuse any administration of orchestrating 9/11. I have few positive things to say about democrats but I will say I would never accuse them of being that deliberate. ( Nor the current administration) I do find it funny though how the Left can accuse W. Of being a bumbling idiot and a conspiratorial master mind in the same sentence.

Ok so while I was licking my wounds of my latest job interview rejection I got a call from my current supervisor that she is resigning her position with the department. This was a huge surprise. It looks quite promising that I will be able to get the promotion I failed to get in the last interview and not have to move to do it.

Friday, October 13, 2006

American Politics

Ok so the American Electorate is all out of shape about a republican congress man from Florida hitting on teenage boys. I get the outrage but I have to wonder why the same exact scandal with a democratic congressman eight years ago did not get the same response. So then today in response to the airplane crash in New York reporters are asking about the US response and we get this answer. Richard Aboulafia, a defense analyst with the Teal Group. "Unfortunately it falls in the category of traffic accident rather than terror." Now if I hear one more democrats argue that the bush administration is "politicized" the war I am going to scream. It seems to me the only thing that makes the Dems happy are high gas prices, high poverty, high US body counts in Iraq, and successful domestic terroist attacks. Let me be the first to hand you a tissue and say I am sorry your disappointed that the New York Yankee's pitcher was not a terrorist. Although Steibreiner might debate that.

Friday, October 06, 2006

Job blues

Well, I found out yesterday that I did not get the Austin position I was wanting. I was told " You did an excllent interview and I believe you would do an excellent job but the other canidate was a better fit for the current unit." That is state HR speak for you were the most qualified canidate but we are going to hire this other person anyway. So why far to often is it not about what you know but who you know. Oh well, some day I will run the world and then everthing will be. . . ok so that may not be such a good idea.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

The Interview

I hate job interviews. They are nerve wracking and boring all at the same time. I interviewed Tuesday for a supervisor position in Austin. So which is worse the wait for the interview or the wait for the post interview call?

Thursday, September 21, 2006


Ok, well I promised my 2 cents on this subject. I personally think that Joel Olsteen and his ilk are simply the next generation of charlatains in the same vein as Oral Roberts, Robert Tilton and the Barkers. I do not see how anyone to take an honest look at the life of the apostles or Christ and conclude that God intends material blessing for his followers as a reward for following. That is not to say that God does nto choose some to be wealthy, nor that hard work and perserverance are not rewarded. But it is heracy to suggest that John 10:10 ensures that all belivers will have no financial struggle. Most Christians around the world are deeply impovershed. If our motivation for following Christ is anythign but to repay a debt of gratitude our focus is off and we simply do not understand the price that was paid.

Thursday, September 14, 2006


I read a really good article in TIME this week and it got me to thinking. The article was attempting to answer the question "Does God want me to be rich?" So I was curious what my Blogging friends out their thought about it. Does God want us to be rich? Is it ok for a believer to spend money on nice luxury items? where is the line? a new car, a new rolls Royce, ten Porsches etc...

I'll give my two cents next week but tell me what you think.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006


Now why could we not have science experiments like this when I was in school?

Alex the Lesser Declares Victory

I decided that today I will officially declare victory in the Israel-Hezbollah conflict. I figured since everyone else was there must be something to it.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Its ranning, Its pouring, This old man ain't snoring

Ok yesterday was a very bad day. it started out ok then i came home from work. My son who had been begging for a year to play football had practice yesterday and was in tears because he did not want to run. To make it worse they then had a scrimmage and on the other team were some boys of a person that I have had some intense professional run ins with. So here I am with a crying child who refuse to play infront of a man who already despises me. Needless to say my ego took a beating. Then we get home and I notice that my new hardwood foors are starting to buckle in one area. Confused I begin researching the problem only to discover that the bilage pump on my AC had stopped up and was draing water in the air intake duct. This water had seaped under the wall and under all my new floor. So I then turn off the AC and begin soaking up the water and tearing out my new floor so I can remove the pad and replace the damaged boards. Well the further I go the more damage I see. In the end I had to take up over 100 square feet of flooring.

Then to add insult to injury just as I am reaching my catharsis moment I am told "I don't know why you are so upset its only a floor." But it was so much more. it was the pride of a job well done, it was the self loathing that I had neglected to put Bleach in the billage pump to prevent it from cloging, it was the hours of work ahead of me just as I was looking foward to some time off from the intensity of this massive home improvement.

You may be thinking ok this is a bad day but not the worst. Well, after I finaly get the clean up and demolition done I go to turn the AC back on and yes you got it no AC so now the house is at 89 degrees and climbing, it is past bedtime and the kids are tired and upset because Daddy is tired and upset and now no one can sleep because the house is a furnace!!!

So let me just end by saying that after having a few choice words for God, I realized it is in fact just a floor. I should be thankful that God allowed me to notice the problem before it became a HUGE problem. And in the grand scheme of things this really was a very tiny problem.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006


Ok so it has been a long time since I posted. I have an excuse I have been on vacation for two works and working out of town for two weeks prior to that. I ususally try to post when I am out of town but the portable keyboard on my Tablet was broken and it takes to long to handwrite posts.

So we are now back for Disney World. Btw jeff I highly recommend it the kids had an absolute blast.

My son had his first football practice last night. I am not sure how me Mr. not coordinated ended up with a child that is absolutely obsessed with anything involving a ball. They practice for 90 minutes three times a week, combine that with My daughters two 2 hour scoccer practices, Wednesday night church, saturday games and Sunday church I am officially to busy to finsh the floors in my house. unfortunately all the carpet is out and Cyndi is about ready for me to get this project done. So I guess it will be a few late nights to come.

One last thought before I go... nope its gone.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Home Improvements

I have been heavily absorbed over the past several weeks in home improvement projects. Last weekend I spent ( with the help of two very generous friends) installing 500 sq feet of laminate flooring in my house. WOW what a change. If you ever have the chance to do this it is a failry simple project as home improvement projects go and really looks sharp. Next task, ceramic tile... any suggestions?

Monday, July 03, 2006

Self Centered

I was painting the house the weekend and discovered the depth of God’s forgiveness. While in the middle of my project there was a knock at the door. There were two Mormon missionaries at the door. I quickly informed them that I was not interested; after all I was in the middle of painting the living room and did not feel like stopping for a philosophical discussion. After they left God hit me hard between the eyes. He presents me with two young men who are deceived by Satan’s ploys and what do I do I turn them away to paint my house. I could just as easily let them in and talked while I painted. The reality was I was more concerned with my inconvenience than their eternal destination. Would the deception veiling their heart have been revealed if I took time to talk to them? Probably not, but it certainly will not now. I simply pray that God will place someone in their path that is willing to take the time to talk to them and show them the truth. I know my Father has forgiven my self-centeredness but it does truly amaze me that he is willing to use imperfect vessels. Thank you Lord, for your gift of salvation and for the incredible depth of your love.

My son wanted an apple to eat so I got one out of the kitchen. I few minutes latter I hear something being thrown at the wall in his room. Fearing the worst I tell him not to throw the apple at the wall. He quickly responds "I didn't throw my apple daddy, I threw the sun screen."

Friday, June 23, 2006

Texas allows Foster parents to Homeschool

The Licensing division of the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services announced yesterday on their websight that foster parents can homeschool children in their care. Although they will still need the ok from the child's CPS caseworker this is a huge step foward for homeschool freedom in Texas.

Home school

Well we have finally decided to take the plunge and buy the full Sonlight cirriculum for this next year it will be Lexi's first true year. We did the Dystar reading learn to read in 100 easy lessons last year as a preschool cirriculum. I am really excited about Sonlight's literature based approach. We will keep you posted on how it goes.

Thursday, June 22, 2006


[by Cyndi]

I was recently reading my friend's writing about being half Korean and the dynamics of living in a different culture and coming to terms with being a part of two worlds. I thought of how really everyone in America has had to do this since everyone immigrated except the Indians, and they are now a tiny minority in a wholly differert culture. Unlike my friend though, many of us are far removed from this transition. Her mother lived in Korea until she was married. Many of us southern Americans couldn't tell you how many generations our families have been here. Nor do we care, we are a new breed, a new culture, American.
I know my Grandmother was Irish, the name McCoy and the red hair that ran in her family are pretty conclusive. I called her my "Granny," and she is what I picture when I read ficition that includes the old Irish grandmother. I think she would have fit the mold pretty well. My children and I have a great affinity for oatmeal and plain baked potatoes. I chalk up the temper and passion that occasionally suprises folks, who thought I was incapable of such things, to my Irish heritage. I love Irish pub songs, and when no one is around I occasionally jig. But I am not Irish, although I like the little part of me that reminds me of that culture.
The Lewis name is Welsh. I don't know that much about that culture, but I think I remember reading about stubbornness and a fierce independance being traits. I can relate to those although I really haven't been able to distinguish these from the same traits which are attributed to my husband's Scottish heritage:). There are also German, Indian and English names in my family tree, and I am sure if I looked I could find other cultures. I don't reallly know if those still clearly influence me except to say that when I have a dark German beer, I feel as if I have come home. And those sandwiches with the sauerkrout and roast beef, whatever they are called, they are a little bit of heaven.
All of this to say, they do not really define me anymore. I am a mix and melting of many cultures. However, in my friends writing, I was struck by the huge struggle she delt with in thinking how to pass her Korean heritage down to her future children. I realized upon reading this that I do was having the same conflict without really have given it a name. I am not of the current, typical American culture. My grandparents, born in 1900 and 1908, did much of my early raising. My father was a depression-era baby born in 1931, he himself is old enough to be my grandfather. And they did not accept the culture many of their peers did. My father, at age 75 now, still lives in a home without airconditioning. He still uses an old, black rotary phone, and rarely watches TV. He likes to avoid grocery bills by eating fruit and vegatables he himself grows, not to mention looking up various wild plants and cooking them. And he is not really automobile dependant, a few years ago, instead of calling the mechanic or a neighbor to give him a ride to pick up his car from the shop, he rode fifteen miles on a bike to get it. That was not the only time he had done that either.
Growing up, I lived over a mile from any neighbors. And too far away from any age appropriate play mates to ever see any except for at school. I roamed all over our farm and ranch and never came in contact with a soul. From an early age, I worked in the fields with my Dad in the summer, hoeing cotton much of the day. Nature was my constant companion. I marveled when the clouds made shadows on the ground and transformed the landscape. I could smell rain, which signaled a break from the cotton fields, from far away. I laid in the pickup bed, and delighted in the cool night air and the falling star for hours on end. I saw animals birthed, grow and die. They were my playmates and friends. I knew what it was to have a horse pounding under me with not a soul in sight. I knew what it was to be free, to be alone, and yet not lonely.
My other entertainments were games that were played with people not machines. Checkers, chess, backgammon, and dominoes. And the pleasure was in the personal interaction. I did watch some TV and listen to the radio, but much of my time was outdoors. I also spent a lot of time interacting with my grandparents and Dad, One on one meaningul interaction. Much of it was work, which I think is a lost blessing to the current generation of children. But I also remember the long, nightly walks in the dark that I took almost daily with my Dad. We did a lot of talking.
And books, I did love books. I read so much as a child. I remember falling in love with the classics at a early age. As a teen, when I went to the used book store, I was searching for Hawthorne and Dickens. They were my teachers, my vacation, and my exploration. I don't think I traveled farther than Lubbock, TX until I reached college age, That is a couple of hours from my home, I had never eaten pizza, and DairyQueen, Whataburger and Sonic were my only fast food experiences. I don't think I had ever eaten in a real restaurant. I had never seen a movie on the big screen. I had seen maybe a handfull of VCR movies at school. We didn't own a VCR or a color TV. I had never been on a vacation or stayed in a motel. I had never been to a town bigger than Lubbock or driven in anything bigger than Abilene.
I went to a highschool graduation recital for one of my neighbors who babysits our kids. It was at her Dad's church. They are very conservative folk, and there are several homeschooled families who live on farms and are fairly isolated from the culture. There were some little girls there who were Lexie's age. They exuded innocence and that lack of attitude seen in so many kids who are exposed to too much of our culture. Most of the kids there were like that. I was transported back to my church days as a child. It was very much a turn of the century atmosphere that had somehow been maintained in a little farm/ranch community. Our school was not so much so, but probably a 1950's atmosphere. I was a little homesick for those days, and even though I didn't think we would be comfortable theologically in our neighbors church, I wished we could be and that my kids could grow up untouched by excessive sin a little longer.
When my kids love to swim in my Dad's mossy, fishy smelling tank, I hope they will not adopt the ultra clean ideas that cause people to reject nature, life. When they work hard in the backyard for an hour, I think maybe I can teach them a work ethic without a farm to keep them busy all the time. When they can't understand why I can't fast forward through the commercials on TV, I think maybe I have protected them a little from the media onslaught. I am proud that they do not know what Nintendo or playstation means and have never played a computer game. When they enjoy sitting out under the stars and hearing their Papa tell stories about the past, I dream that they will absorb enough beauty to fill their souls for a lifetime. I still fall back on the memories of the stars and fellowship and real talk, and they give me strength and joy to this day.
But when they leave the backyard for airconditioning, I worry that they will not explore the outdoors until they love it. I am troubled that an animal has never been their friend, and that they can not read animal's bodylanguage. I worry because they don't have a kitten to play with, the joy of my young life. I am sad that my daughter is five and has not been fishing yet. I think of the hours and hours my cousins spent outside, out of hearing of adults, out of eyesight, and the freedom we felt roaming and adventuring, and I am sad that mine can't go out our front door without me and that I have to monitor when they are in the backyard because of the bad language and music of a neighbor's teens. I am sad that they have never thought to make a mud pie, or waded in mud up to their knees, or watched all sorts of animals on a daily basis. I am sad that they will never run across a hot cotton field barefoot, and know the joy of digging their feet into the cool earth. They have other opportunities and adventures that were never a part of my world, but many days I wonder if those will make up for a culture of nature and innocence and meaningful work that were my whole world once upon a time.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Small group

Well, after two summers of doing small groups, our ultra conservative Baptist church is finally taking the plunge. We are going to scrap our Sunday evening service and go to year round small groups. I have been a huge fan of this model for some time, but getting a traditional congregation to change tacticts is a challenege to say the least. I would be interested in anyone's experience with small groups good or bad. Suggestions of things that worked and things that bombed etc... And theological opposition?

Monday, June 12, 2006

Stupid Warning label of the week

You have to give credit to the risk management person who dreamed this up!!

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Oh those single mothers

My wife arrived at a large Baptist church here in town recently to attend our community homeschool book sale. She had been told that the best stuff often went quickly so she was attemping to get there close to the time it started. However, being who she is, promptness is more art than science. So as she arrived at the church about 20 minutes after the sale began she was cut off in the parking lot by another lady who appeared in a hurry. As they were walking into the church, the lady appologized stating that she was running late. My ever gracious wife simple stated that it was no problem and proceeded to explain that her children were young and she was really just coming to look at what was available. The lady gave my wife a startled look and proceded into the church. After a moment she turned back around and asked her if she knew what all was going on at the church today. She explained to my wife that this was her first time here and that she was coming for a meeting of area singles. The two exchanged quite a laugh when my wife responded that she was here for the homeschool book sale.

When my wife told me this story it gave both of us quite a laugh. It is amazing how our assumptions about life can shape how we preceive everything that happens to us. We change our focus and everything changes. In Proverbs 4:25 Solomon writes "Let your eyes look straight ahead, fix your gaze directly before you." God showed me this verse this week during my quiet time. As I thought about it, the above story came to my mind. See God knows that if our thoughts are centered on him then we will perceive the world as he does.

One last thought on this verse. I often hear Christian men state that it is ok to "look" at other women walking down the street etc... I beleive this verse is a clear statement to us as Christian men that our eyes litterally shound be focused on where we are going and not on the flesh around us. My prayer is that my focus literally and figuratively will be Holy.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Life: Adventure, Comedy, Tragedy, or Mystery

Sharon Randall wrote in her syndicated column today "I don't know about you, but I get a little tired of adventures. I don't mean the kind where you go someplace you always wanted to go and do things you always dreamed of doing. My adventures tend to take me places I never wanted to go and teach me how to do things I never wanted to learn. . . If you stay alive and pay attention, you'll be amazed at the wonders you will get to see, or occasionally, have to wrestle"

This got me to thinking about my life. How often I find myself frustrated with God for not making in simple or for making me endure things I never wanted to experience. It is amazing how one can look back and see how each of those experiences has shaped the person we are today.

In his message this morning, our pastor Kevin Kennedy, spoke about the calling of Abram to leave everything and follow him to an unknown location. That is faith. I often wonder if I even have the faith to follow God across the street. The first sign of difficulty or struggle and my flesh screams to quit. Recently my wife and I felt a call to missions. In the three months that have followed we have often found ourselves thinking, “How can God possibly use us when we can't even seem to get everything together here in Texas.”

I will never cease to be amazed by the fact that God choose to use broken vessels of earthen clay to fulfill his divine and royal purpose. I am always drawn back to the verse that tells us that "he who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it." My prayer is that as God continues to take me down his path that I will trust those "adventures" that are designed to sculpt me. Only our divine father could have orchestrated this amazing journey we call Life.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Stupid Warning label of the Week

I recently bought one of those drop in cleaners for the toilet. You know those kind that make the water blue for a month. On the back I was releaved to find the following statement.

Safe for pets and children but it is not reccomended that either be allowed to drink from the toilet.

Only in America can it be assumed that the consumer is that __________. (you fill in the blank).

Wednesday, May 31, 2006


1. Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18, and find line 4.
". . . enzymes into water and carbon dioxide, Which are passed out of the body. The. . ."
2. Stretch your left arm out as far as you can. What can you touch?
Case files, A cradel for my digital recorder, O brother where Art though CD, Charger for my Tablet PC Battery, microphone.

3. What is the last thing you watched on TV?
Mave Suns Game 4

4. Without looking, guess what time it is.12:30 PM

5.Now look at the clock. What is the actual time?12:34pm

6. With the exception of the computer, what can you hear?Air conditioner...ring (the phone).

7. When did you last step outside? What were you doing?Lunch Taco Bueno Mexi Chips and Dips.

8. Before you started this survey, what did you look at?Outlook

9. What are you wearing?dockers and a Denium Shirt, My ID badge

10. Did you dream last night?Nope, Tylenol PM is a wonder drug

11. When did you last laugh?when reading jeff's answer to this question.

12. What is on the walls of the room you are in?Pictures of my kids, definitions from TAC of Abuse/neglect. Unit phone numers My various and sundry credentials, A picture of a gingerbread man with his head bit off that syas Got Milk. An Adoption's poster and a "feelings" poster

13. Seen anything weird lately?I saw an eniter rainbow from start to finish this morning maybe not weird but not something you see often in West Texas.

14. What do you think of this quiz?Well Since I always do what Jeff thells me to do to some deep seeded desire to be him, and since he told me to do it I guess I think its swell.

15. What is the last film you saw?An Unfinished Life Great Flick

16. If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy?A home in Laos

17. Tell me something about you that I don’t know. I really like advocados.

18. If you could change one thing about the world, regardless of guilt or politics, what would you do?Allow for the US first amendment freedoms to be universal.

19. Do you like to dance? With my kids

20. George Bush: Got give him props for sticking to his guns, but man I wish he knew how to quit spending so much money.

21. Imagine your first child is a girl, what do you call her?We were gonna name her Zoey but we had a psycho cat that we named Zoey instead.

22. Imagine your first child is a boy, what do you call him?Noah

23. Would you ever consider living abroad?yes I would love to live in Laos

24. What do you want God to say to you when you reach the pearly gate?No cute answer here "Well done my good and faithful servant."

25. 3 people who must also do this quiz in THEIR journal: I only know one person with a Bolg so if you add this to yours let me know.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

The Begining

Well this is my first attempt at a blog. I hope that this will serve as a place for me to pose the questions I face in life. Please feel free to comment, criticise or ignore at your pleasure. I only ask that the conversation remain civil and the ideas genuine.

I write this while sitting up after a long day of being a single father. My wife went out for the day with friends. I am struck by the amazing power a parent has over the life of a child. How they view the world, themselves, and others is largely crafted by the role a parent plays. are we locked into the mistakes of our parents destined to make the same mistakes from generation to generation? I do see many of my parents short comings in my own parenting style, but like all parents I hope that I find a way to make my children healther and more successful than I. Will my children look back as I do at times and wonder who would I be if my parents had not done this or that. I am sure they will but in the end would I really change a thing that brought me to where I am today.

Tomorrow is my 10th wedding anneversery. I do not know what the next 10 will bring but my prayer is that I grow as much or more in the next decade as I have in the last. Here's to learning how to live through experience, mistakes and successes.