Tuesday, November 07, 2006

The intellectual inconsistency of Liberalism

Ok I never intended this to become a political blog but alas on this great election day I must make another political post.

Ok here are two news articles

In this on NY city is proposing a ban on Trans fat in all restraunts. A bad thing, well maybe not considering the public health cost of trans fat. At the same time they have begun a mandatory disclosure on the menu board of all restraunts declaring the trans fat and nutritional content of the food. Again, a bad thing probably not, however...


Yes that's right the same people who think we should know what is in our food do not think we have the right to know that our daughter is about allow someone to murder our grandchild. How does that make any sense?

Ok second point I have a good friend who is as pure blood democrat as they come, nationalized health care, a living wage amendment, same sex marriage, pro choice etc.... He teaches Criminal justice for HSU and was complaining the other day about students that just did not try. I asked him if he was going to fail any students this semester and he responded certainly. So I asked him why does he feel they need to fail. Answer? Because they did not do the work. Ok so in his class room it is ok for a student to fail but in life if someone does not work we should reward them with free health care, food, housing etc because its hard to escape from the trap of poverty, racism etc...

I would have less loathing for the DNC if their philosophers were just consistent. Ok enough ranting for one day.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Apology, conspiracy theory and Life

First an apology to my now well traveled Chicago loving friend from SA now living in the arm pit of Texas. I promised him a post to support my allegation against his beloved democratic party. However after much searching cannot find a news article to support my allegations. Although I clearly remember it occuring while I was in College, with no support I must retract my allegations. Although Senator hopeful Webb in Virginia recently showed that my point is not far from the truth.

I can not imagine that any intelligent person would accuse any administration of orchestrating 9/11. I have few positive things to say about democrats but I will say I would never accuse them of being that deliberate. ( Nor the current administration) I do find it funny though how the Left can accuse W. Of being a bumbling idiot and a conspiratorial master mind in the same sentence.

Ok so while I was licking my wounds of my latest job interview rejection I got a call from my current supervisor that she is resigning her position with the department. This was a huge surprise. It looks quite promising that I will be able to get the promotion I failed to get in the last interview and not have to move to do it.