Monday, November 06, 2006

Apology, conspiracy theory and Life

First an apology to my now well traveled Chicago loving friend from SA now living in the arm pit of Texas. I promised him a post to support my allegation against his beloved democratic party. However after much searching cannot find a news article to support my allegations. Although I clearly remember it occuring while I was in College, with no support I must retract my allegations. Although Senator hopeful Webb in Virginia recently showed that my point is not far from the truth.

I can not imagine that any intelligent person would accuse any administration of orchestrating 9/11. I have few positive things to say about democrats but I will say I would never accuse them of being that deliberate. ( Nor the current administration) I do find it funny though how the Left can accuse W. Of being a bumbling idiot and a conspiratorial master mind in the same sentence.

Ok so while I was licking my wounds of my latest job interview rejection I got a call from my current supervisor that she is resigning her position with the department. This was a huge surprise. It looks quite promising that I will be able to get the promotion I failed to get in the last interview and not have to move to do it.


Anonymous said...

Oh goodness!

1. I have *never* been labeled a Democrat before. Even the purest sense of the term is inappropriate (i think the majority almost always makes the wrong choice -- the amount of information necessary to make a correct decision almost always exceeds the ability of most people to keep up with the information). Oh, and I've never voted for a Democrat, either. I'm going to honestly try to educate myself as much as possible in the next two years, so if the lesser of the evils happens to be a Democratic candidate, or a Libertarian, or a write-in for my pet fish, then so be it.

2. Conspiracies don't have to be planned in advance by a mastermind. One could imagine a series of well-intentioned actions and associated lies that by necessity build upon one another, combined with poor communication and the contributions of some not completely law-abiding elements that may or may not be brought to the boss's attention until it was necessary to lie yet again.

For the record, I don't think the U.S. Gov as we know it is responsible for the WTC bombing. I do, however, think the evidence is in direct contradiction with what we're being told. My favs are 1. the size of the Pentagon hole, the lack of window breakage, and the missing engines of the plane that hit it, and 2. the jet fuel burn temp vs WTC steel melting point.

Even if you believe the administration, it's worth watching the film just for kicks... it's pretty interesting.

Anonymous said...

3. Awesome! You rock. Show 'em your stuff.

Alex the lesser said...

So the footage of the plane hitting the pentagon was fabricated. I assume in the same studio where they filmed Neil armstrong's moon landing?

I have always found in life that the simpleist answer is almost always the correct one.

As to being informed and voting I am all for it. I do not hold allegence to the Republican party, in fact it is much to liberal for my likeing in most areas, but as you so well put it even if it was my pet fish if that person is the best option on the ballot then I will vote for them.

Stone said...

I'm curious what are children's children will be taught in school about 9/11.

I'm somewhat convinced that there is more to the events of 9/11 than what has been revealed. It would, however, be easy to become a conspiracy theorist if I wanted to spend the time looking into everything our large and powerful government has done. With our endless supply of funding and foolishness, just thing what we could accomplish as a nation.

How's that for conspiracy theorist talk?

Anonymous said...

Footage of the plane hitting the Pentagon? I've seen a handful of blurry frames from a security camera that show something much smaller than an airliner... but i haven't seen footage of an airliner...

Alex the lesser said...

*Deep sigh*

So your theory on what happened to AA Flight 77 and all the people on board? You honestly believe they would go along with the hoax? And the what 90+ people who were on the plane and their families were paid off.

The footage I saw was most certainly a jetliner, I have seen the short footage conpiracy video on the internet. I just simply do not see how anyone one thinks the US government could pull off a cover up of that magnatiude. and for what reason to start a war with Saddam? Give me a break!

Anonymous said...

I am no scientist nor am I an engineer and I will admit up front that I did not do any research in order to prove or disprove the relevance of this video, but check it out anyway.

Anonymous said...

Honestly, all i'm saying is, it don't add up. And what i do know is how much i don't know about what goes on that i don't know about, you know? No?

Anonymous said...

And Tina, we all know you're a mad scientist engineer spy.

Dun Dun dunnah dun dun dunnah
