Saturday, June 03, 2006

Stupid Warning label of the Week

I recently bought one of those drop in cleaners for the toilet. You know those kind that make the water blue for a month. On the back I was releaved to find the following statement.

Safe for pets and children but it is not reccomended that either be allowed to drink from the toilet.

Only in America can it be assumed that the consumer is that __________. (you fill in the blank).


Stone said...

Mmmmm, blue toilet water. Fresh breath all day.

Wonder who the warning label is written for? Somebody had to have allowed their kid to drink from the toilet then called the blue toilet water drop-in makers to see if it was ok to drink.

I think they should make a bubbly-yellow drop in for those who don’t flush all the time. You could conserve water that way.

Ever had urinal cake? Taste like blue toilet drop-ins.

Jeff said...


LMPO - the bubbly-yellow drop in. i'd buy one.

Stone said...
